
For OrganiSations & Individuals


For OrganiSations & Individuals

What my clients are saying

“Working with Lisa Quinn has been an absolute game-changer for me. Her expertise and guidance as my business coach have been invaluable in navigating the challenges of working in a male industry and my new promotion to CEO. Lisa’s approach is not only effective but also incredibly supportive—I always feel at ease, fully focused, and empowered to tackle whatever comes my way. Thanks to Lisa, I’ve grown tremendously over the past year and a half, and I’m more than ready to take on my next challenge with confidence.”
Lyndsey Gallagher FCIOB, Chief Executive Officer, Gallagher Group

About Me

I’m a former Communications Director who went on a coaching course six years ago and fell in love with coaching.
I’ve worked in and for a wide variety of organisations. From a senior role at the National Lottery, to Director of Communications at the global publishing giant Hearst, I’ve reported to CEOs, held roles on boards and senior leadership teams, led high performing teams and delivered results in challenging circumstances. I know what it’s like to work in a demanding, fast paced business, to have targets, multiple stakeholders and to navigate complex operating environments. Based in the UK, I work at a global level, and coach clients in the US, Asia and Europe.
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